Soilless Farming – Hydroponics, Aeroponics and AquaponicsSoilless Farming – Hydroponics, Aeroponics and Aquaponics
There are several different methods of soilless farming but three main techniques that are commonly used are hydroponics, aeroponics and aquaponics. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks.
Aeroponics vs Aquaponics is a technique that grows plants in nutrient rich water and the roots are suspended in a container of this solution or the solution is continuously circulating past the roots. This is a very effective way of growing plants in small spaces and can yield much higher crops than traditional farming. However, hydroponics is not a great option for hot climates as the temperature of the water will cause dissolved oxygen to decrease.
Aeroponics vs Aquaponics: Understanding the Differences
Aeroponics is another technique of soilless farming that works with air or mist to grow plants without soil. The plants are usually suspended in a closed environment and fine mist of nutrient rich water is sprayed on the plant roots. The mist gives the plant access to more oxygen than conventional soil growing systems and can boost crop and yield rates. However, it is important to clean the system regularly as if the roots are constantly exposed they can easily become infected.
Aquaponics is a form of soilless farming that combines hydroponics with aquaculture to create a symbiotic ecosystem where the fish waste serves as fertilizer for the plants and the plants help to filter the water for the fish. This type of sustainable agriculture helps to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, which can end up in local streams and watersheds, while also providing more yield from both the plants and the fish.