Women For Action Blog What is the Wilks Coefficient?

What is the Wilks Coefficient?

The Wilks coefficient is a method that compares your relative strength to other lifters of your body weight and gender. It is calculated by multiplying your squat, bench press and deadlift totals by a formula that takes your body weight into account. This allows you to see how much of a difference your weight makes in your performance and sets goals for improvement.

The Wilks formula is used in powerlifting competitions to determine overall champions and to make comparisons between lifters of different weight classes. This is to compensate for the fact that lighter lifters tend to have higher power-to-weight ratios due to the nature and limitations of the human skeletal and muscular system.

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A number of research studies have demonstrated that the wilks formula is accurate and provides a good estimate for the strength levels of lifters of different body weights. However, there is a need to further improve the wilks coefficient, especially in light of the fact that there are many variables that influence strength levels such as training, recovery and injury.

For this reason, the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) recently introduced a new formula to calculate IPF Relative Points that differentiates between “classic and equipped” lifting and uses a more sophisticated model to compute lifter points. This formula is based on the Wilks coefficient values derived from regression analysis of a sample of 5,000 ranked powerlifters and is able to accommodate more variations in strength levels than the original Sinclair coefficient.

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